2 min.
Valentina Mura Balzoni (17) won the €1500 award for “Excellent Volunteer” for her work in the elderly centres of Rome. She is a third year student at the Leopoldo Pirelli School.
Coordinating Teacher Emanuaela De Marco describes the first winner of the Telemouse 3.0 – Knowledge Volunteers Competition as:
“A sweet, smiling girl with an incredible spirit of service who is capable of making any situation positive. She excels at organizing and at the beginning of the project scanned the Tutor’s Guidebook and forwarded it to her colleagues. It didn’t take her long to win over her elder student Maria and infuse her with the notions and energy that only a young person can transmit. She shifted with great ease from tutoring to acting as a volunteer and organizing the course at the elderly centre. She is determined, ready to meet challenges and always humble and simple. She is most definitely a leader.”
Valentina is especially happy about the volunteering:
“I am proud of having participated in this project and have received invaluable life lessons from my students great treasure: 80 years of experience! I met grandma Maria who is excellent at cheering you up when you’re sad. She’s resolute and strong. I wouldn't change her for any other student!"
In a society in which "VALUES have little value," this experience reminded us about the genie of solidarity, altruism and the will to help others. These are true riches that must be conserved by every individuale.”
Valentina explained that the award would be shared with her schoolmates and teachers by acquiring a first aid defibrillator for the school.