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Solidarity Challenge


Solidarity Challenge

Solidarity Challenge


At three pm, everyone was ready to start the game.
The Sports Centre of the Istituto Santa Maria was packed with Roman students, children from the Polo Intermundia and third sector associations. Everyone was there for the “I’m There. World Refugee Day 2012” event.
The first match was Vis Nova Santa Maria - Esquilino Football Club. This was the first of two 6 against 6 mini-matches. The final winner was Vis Nova.  
Then, the cheerleaders from IIS Gassman Roma started off the adult matches. Young refugees, supported by two representatives from VIS, Volontariato Internazionale per lo Sviluppo and Alfonso Molina for the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, challenged students from four Roman schools: LSS “Democrito”, ITC “V.
 Bachelet”, ITIS “B. Pascal” e IIS “V. Gassman”. It was a good game. After the initial goal scored by the refugee team, the schools tied the match with a penalty kick in the second half. Final score 1:1.
On the sidelines, Daniele and Luca from Radio Sapienza commented the match. Young rooters were also there from the Polo Intermundia Francesca Valenza, Project Manager, explains the genesis of the idea.
Third sector associations were represented by Franco Pittau, Director of the Centro di documentazione Idos (Caritas Migrantes) and Luca Cristaldi, Italian Development Education Campaign Manager for Vis. A brief video interview provides further information on their activities and their decision to participate in this event for World Refugee Day.
Photographers from Shoot4Change were also there to document the event.
Antonio Marcello, Rome Coordinator, explains the importance of the platform for social work.

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