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Soccer: 26 Countries Compete


Soccer: 26 Countries Compete

Soccer: 26 Countries Compete
The soccer robots play autonomously. They are not controlled and all the action takes place thanks to a special ball that emits infrared rays.
The games have two 10-minute halves with a 5-minute pause in between.
The robots use special sensors to identify the RoboSoccer Ball and ultrasonic impulses to avoid the walls and other players by calculating the time it takes for the impulse to bounce back and thereby determining the distance of the obstacle. An electronic compass allows the robots to orient themselves and avoid scoring own goals.
At RobocupJunior, 108 teams from 23 countries competed in the Soccer Category. The largest delegations were from Germany and Japan, each with 14 teams, while Italy had six teams:
  • Cardano Robotic Team      
  • Leonardo     
  • Manetti       
  • SPQR Gravis  
  • SPQR Levis   
  • SPQR Magis  
Two Roman high schools - J. Von Neumann and G. Galilei- pooled their resources and competences. The SPQR Team is composed of 12 students aged 17-19 and coordinated by teachers Paolo Torda and Giampaolo Pucci.
Three two-robot teams will compete:
  • SPQR Levis, Light Weight A Category, robot IULO (Son of Aeneas, World Champion 2008 in China, 4 wheels, 4 motors) and Robot GNOCCO (3 motors and 1 kicker): their main characteristic is agility and velocity. 
  • SPQR Magis, Open League A Category, robot TORTELLINO and MACCARONE (both with 3 motors and 1 kicker)
  • SPQR Gravis, Open League B Category, robot SCIPIONE (4 motors and 1 kicker; this robot won the RomeCup) and Robot BUFALO (3 motors and 1 kicker).

An interview with Paolo Torda right before the RomeCup 2011: Alessio Neri asks the teacher about the didactic value of Robotics.



“A student studying mathematical concepts,” explains Paolo Torda “is often not capable of applying them to electronics. Robotics brings these competences together into something concrete and tangible that shows students that what they are studying has a real value."

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