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Skills Volunteering as a Transformative Experience

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Skills Volunteering as a Transformative Experience

Skills Volunteering as a Transformative Experience

In his contribution to the volume entitled Recognising Skills VolunteeringGabriele Sepio, Appeal Court lawyer and partner of the e-IUS Legal Firm, explains how reinforcing skills volunteering and driving its uptake in company policy is closely related to the introduction of specific indicators, such as the standards  developed by GRI, that are used to present skills volunteering in non-financial business reporting. In particular, GRI Standard 413 addressing local communities, allows companies to present “their management approach for local communities and describe the means through which its stakeholders are identified and involved, the identification of vulnerable groups, collective and individual rights that are of particular interest to local communities, and the means to support independent third parties promoting activities in local communities.”

Another important tool for skills volunteering is experience presentation that addresses its transformative character. And this is the route we have selected for the first meeting organised at Milano Base on July 10.


  • Paola Rizzo, Local Trial Manager, Johnson & Johnson Innovative Medicine
  • Federico Gorini, Head of Finance Business Advice, ING Italia
  • Federico Aguggini, Head of AI Transformation, Data Science & Artificial Intelligence Intesa Sanpaolo
  • Michela Lecce, Cybersecurity Technical Specialist, Microsoft
  • Claudio Magni, Head of Development, Italgas

The informal tables oragnised for the networking cocktail included various organisations such as Microsoft, Ing, Italgas, Intesa Sanpaolo, J&J, Bracco, Educade srl, Nuvasive, Nui Utensili Europa, Abaco Team, Roche, Anips, and Terziario Donna. 

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