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Skills Volunteering

volontariato di competenza

Skills Volunteering

Skills Volunteering

A special cocktail in Milan with our network of professionals.

A volunteering experience makes "employees more conscientious and responsible towards a community, introducing them to a world they may not know, allowing them to overcome unconscious prejudice, and making them participants in the transformation of society" [Sodalitas, Volontariato d’impresa: l’esperienza delle aziende in Italia]. And you can also volunteer during working hours, using the skills you have acquired in your professional and business career. This is the so-called skills volunteering, the practice of social responsibility envisaged for employees in the private sector.

In Italy there are over 4,000 companies that have provided their staff with the opportunity to carry out skills volunteering. According to the Excelsior Information System of Unioncamere and ANPAL, in Italy, they represent 5% of companies with at least 50 employees, but another 21,000 (26%) are interested in allowing it in the future.

We have been successfully experimenting with numerous corporate volunteering practices: employees of companies and large corporations provide experience and skills to contribute to the success of projects, in particular through training activities and high-profile testimonials.

The formula we prefer is the one that combines expert volunteering (i.e. professional skills) with team volunteering composed of practical activities at the service of local communities (hackathons, civic challenges, awareness campaigns, solidarity football matches, etc.). It is a quality training experience that follows the European frameworks (DigCom, DigCompEdu, DigCompConsumers) and nourishes a community of professionals for continuous and valuable training. Over the course of the last year, we have involved various professional figures from the corporate pyramids, from top positions to more specialized roles, and almost always senior profiles in a wide range of projects:

  • Ambizione Italia with Microsoft
  • Coding Girls with Microsoft e Ing Italia
  • Factor J with Janssen
  • Growing Tour with Visa
  • Job Digital Lab with Ing Italia
  • LinkedIn – Recovery Skills
  • Rising Youth with Sap
  • Roll Cloud with Intesa San Paolo, Google Cloud, Tim Enterprise
  • Vagone FMD with Meta

Skills volunteering has various forms, ranging from hosting one or more webinars or in-person training sessions to working as mentors for teams in development marathon challenges (hackathons or creathons) as, for example, in Project “Vagone FMD. From 01 to 100 in the Metaverse,” in which dozens of managers and professionals from companies such as Meta or Engineering took turns in the "immersive" meetings at Binario F.

Particularly strategic, even for workers in fragile conditions, is the time provided by LinkedIn experts, especially senior customer success managers and account directors (seven professionals).

The special cocktail on July 11 at Base Milano is dedicated to all the skills volunteers.

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