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Skills: the Role of Robotics

Savio College a RomeCup 2024
archivio Fondazione Mondo Digitale

Skills: the Role of Robotics

Skills: the Role of Robotics

A case study: the Savio College Team at RomeCup 2024.

A delegation from the eSkills Malta Foundation, a governmental organisation in Malta’s Ministry for the Economy, Enterprise and Strategic Projects, has visited the Savio College that participated in RomeCup 2024. The college participated with two teams in the Rescue Line and Explorer categories. Its Team Dave  placed first in the rescue category. 


In June, the eSkills Malta Foundation also hosted a webinar on "Empowering Students through Robotics" that explored the best practices in teaching robotics. Charles Axisa from Savio College shared his over 30 years of educational experience and 15 dedicated to robotics. Charles has accompanied his students to numerous competitions, both local and international. He underlines the polyhedric nature of robotics education, highlighting practical activities such as soldering and drilling and the significant impact it has on the commitment and skills development of students. He described RomeCup as an important event with competitions, demonstrations, and a showcase area. The competition requires ca. 150 hours of extra-curricular preparation. Students are involved in every phase, from design to execution, promoting a profound understanding of the subject. The teacher acts as a mentor and motivator, helping the students to overcome the emotional and pyschological challenges of participating in a competition. 

A video-interview of the students who participated in RomeCup was screened during the visit of the eSkills Malta Foundation. In one segment, Charles Axisa presents all his students and then turns the word over to them.



Here are the impressions recorded by Onelia Onorati at RomeCup 2024. 




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