At the Phyrtual Innovation Gym, students enjoy a range of environments and learning techniques where they can interact with professionals and companies and exchange views with other individuals, organisations and productive realities. This is why the Phyrtual Innovation Gym is an ideal environment for testing innovative school-work programmes.
This week, ad hoc programmes are kicking off for two schools: Maffeo Pantaleoni (Frascati) and Emanuela Loi (Nettuno).
3D Animation and Special Effects
For an entire week, starting today, a class from the Istituto professionale Maffeo Pantaleoni in Frascati will experiment with digital animation technology through the use of specific software. The audiovisual sector, in fact, is the second largest industry in Lazio, a region that hosts 69% of the national audio-visual sector (1300 companies and 36,000 workers).
Students will attend the Video L with Coach Paola De Marco (28) who completed her 1st Level Master Course in “3D Animation, Compositing, Performance Animation Techniques” at Sapienza University in Rome. Paola also acts as a lab tutor for the Video Lab and Immersive lab held as part of the Officina – New Jobs Workshop.
Amongst her many didactic specialisations, Paola helps orient high school students that are deciding on their future careers. She is an expert in 3D modelling and helps students shape their future!
Programme Your Idea!
The school-work programme chosen by IIS Emanuela Loi (Nettuno) is more complex. The “Programme Your Idea!” Project is based on 4 modules for a total of 48 hours of work:
- Module 1 – Sketch Your Future (12 hours)
- Module 2 - Coding Lab (20 hours)
- Module 3 - Lego Serious Play (8 hours)
- Module 4 - Marketing & Communications (8 hours)
In the first module, students will participate in a range of learning and self-awareness activities, including problem-solving, decision-making and business-modelling, as well as edutainment activities dedicated to leadership, team building and motivation to strengthen transversal skills required by the labour market through didactic, software, exercise and game micro-modules (ZoomeTool, Toobeez etc.).
The second module, which is dedicated to coding, will be held by expert coaches.
The third module is based on a Lego Serious Play session that will allow the students to test their project idea and identify how to develop it.
Module four will impart the basics of marketing and communications and help students promote their social innovation project. The students will also learn about elevator pitches, or how to efficiently present their entrepreneurial ideas during a short period of time.