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Sign for the Planet

Sign for the Planet

Sign for the Planet

“Code Red for humanity” … It is with these words that Antonio Guterres, Secretary General of the United Nations, underlined the consequences of the climate crisis and global warming presented in the results of the last report by the International Panel on Climate Change. It’s a true international appeal by the United Nations. And philanthropy can and must play its part.


It is for these reasons that Assifero is promoting the Declaration of Intent of Foundations and Agencies on Climate Change. The declaration advances six principles that any foundation, philanthropic agency or socially conscientious investor, independently from their mission, area of activity, resources and geographical location, can sign to express their will to integrate actions to mitigate and adapt to the climate crisis as part of their organisation, strategy, resource management, activities, operations and programmes. To date, there are 61 signatories. The call to action remains open to new participants.


The Fondazione Mondo Digitale was amongst the first signatories of the call.


Foundations, philanthropic agencies and socially conscientious investors, in the full respect of their nature, independence and mission, commit to:


  1. Promote and create opportunities for education and debate amongst staff, board members and stakeholder on the causes of and possible solutions to the climate change, in its widest connotation.
  2. Allocate financial, intellectual, relational and material resources to identify the causes of and solutions to the challenge posed by climate change and its effects. 
  3. Review their strategy and activities in relation to climate change.
  4. Promote responsible investments that favour the ecological transition towards a zero-emission economy.
  5. Diminish the environmental impact of their organisations by reducing their carbon footprint, and consumption, as well as promoting waste recycling and other pertinent actions.
  6. Providing information on their actions and results in terms of the undersigned Declaration of Intent.

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