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MLearn Project Managers will meet tomorrow at the offices of Greek partner Action Synergy to share ideas and discuss the courses that are currently underway in the various partner countries. The final objective is to draft an EU-level educational curriculum for teacher training.
Project M-LEARN - Training Teachers to Use Mobile (handheld) Technologies within Mainstream School Education is implemented as part of the Comenius Lifelong Learning Programme and involves six partners from four countries.
The aim of the 30-month project (October 2013 – March 2016) is to integrate mobile learning (or mlearning) technology into teacher training courses in the four partner countries: England, Greece, Italy and The Netherlands.
In Italy, the project has already organised 16 hours of training out of the 30 that are scheduled to be held by the end of 2015. Twenty-two teachers have already started formally testing mobile technology in their classrooms. The course is accredited by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research. Funds from the European Commission were used to equip classes with tablets.