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The search for innovative therapies

La ricerca per le terapie innovative
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The search for innovative therapies

The search for innovative therapies

Fattore J, from the laboratory to life at the Latina plant

Next Thursday, 27 February, the Johnson & Johnson Innovative Medicine Italia plant in Latina, Italy, will host the event Dal laboratorio alla vita (From the laboratory to life), a new stage of the fifth edition of the Fattore J project, on the occasion of National Cancer Prevention Month. The initiative aims to raise awareness among high school students about the value of innovation in the field of healthcare, offering them the opportunity to discover the drug production process and reflect on the importance of medical research.

The event, moderated by journalist Giampaolo Colletti from Il Sole 24 Ore, includes speeches by institutional figures and representatives of the healthcare sector. Among these, Jorge L. Lopez, general manager of the plant, and the mayor of Latina Matilde Celentano, who welcomed the participants. This was followed by a round table on the role of the third sector, institutions and industry in promoting change, with the participation of Nicola Calandrini, president of the Senate Budget Committee, Luciano Ciocchetti, vice president of the Social Affairs Committee of the Chamber of Deputies, Monica Gibellini from Johnson & Johnson, Mirta Michilli from the Fondazione Mondo Digitale ETS, and a representative from the Italian Association against Leukaemia, Lymphoma and Myeloma (AIL).

The day continues with a training session for students, organised by collaborators from Johnson & Johnson Innovative Medicine, who illustrate the path that leads from scientific research to the creation of innovative therapies. The conclusions were presented by Ambra D'Asaro, HR Site Lead of Johnson & Johnson Innovative Medicine.

The event represents an important opportunity to bring young people closer to the world of scientific research and pharmaceutical production, highlighting how innovation can translate into concrete benefits for the health of the community.

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