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School for Teachers

School for Teachers

School for Teachers

This week, the protagonists of educational programme “Ambizione Italia for Schools” are teachers. Five labs dedicated to artificial intelligence are scheduled this week.


The first appointment will be held today at IIS Vallauri in Fossano, in the Province of Cuneo, with Coach Rodolfo Boraso.


On Thursday, July 4, there will be two educational sessions: one at the Milan Microsoft House held by Andrea Morachioli, the other at IIS G. Giorgi in Potenza with Tommaso Lilli.


There will also be a double appointment on Friday, July 5: at the Milan Microsoft House with Vincenzo Polizzi and at IIS G. B. Pentasuglia in Matera with Tommaso Lilli.


“Ambizione Italia for Schools” is a national programme organised by Microsoft and the Fondazione Mondo Digitale to provide 250,000 students and 20,000 teachers with digital competences through a special focus on artificial intelligence.


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