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A School for Everyone on the Web

A School for Everyone on the Web

A School for Everyone on the Web

Networking continues in the background for Project School of Internet for Everyone, the greatest on-line educational drive dedicated to all those who wish to learn more about digital tools in everyday life. Over the past few weeks, new local collaborative alliances have been formed thanks to the continuous work of the project coordinators. Our new partners are:

  • Politics Hub
  • Municipality of Pietra Ligure
  • Club Alpini Italiani (Ascoli Piceno)
  • Confederazione Italiana Agricoltori della Sicilia - CIA
  • Comitato Pari Opportunità dell'Ordine degli Avvocati di Reggio Calabria
  • Associazione Nazionale Forense - Reggio Calabria
  • Borgo San Dalmazzo


The School of Internet for Everyone is promoted by TIM in collaboration with the Fondazione Mondo Digitale as part of the national Operation Digital Risorgimento Programme.


While work continues on-line, today a new week of courses begins: 16 courses for ca. 350 participants.


Taking a look at how the classes are composed, over 70% are women. The most represented age group is the over-65s, nearly 50%, while the 55-64 group reach 26% and are followed by the 45-54 age group. Over 55% of participants have a diploma and 27% a degree. Over 10% of the participants are currently looking for employment.

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