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Satya Nadella in Rome

Satya Nadella in Rome

Satya Nadella in Rome

The Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella is in Rome for the first time and today – November 12 – he will inaugurate the “Roma Future Decoded 2015,” a conference dedicated to new technology. 


The event will involve thousands of companies, developers, sector experts, international and Italian gurus and students to explore the opportunities provided by future technological trends: from new devices to cloud solutions.


Participating schools include five that are in Meet no Neet, part of the global Microsoft YouthSpark Programme:

  • IIS Via Copernico - Pomezia
  • IIS Righi - Cassino
  • IIS Pacinotti-Archimede - Rome
  • LS Ceccano - Ceccano


Besides Satya Nadella, Carlo Purassanta, CEO Microsoft Italy will also be present. Speakers include digital anthropologist and strategy expert Rahaf Harfoush, co-author of the New York Times bestseller “The Decoded Company”; David Rose, Scientist, MIT Tangible Media Lab and CEO, Ditto Labs, who will address the Internet of Things; Joachim Horn, CEO, Sam Labs, who will focus on the potential of the IoT and new technology. Parallel sessions will be dedicated to developers, IT professionals and students.


Moreover, all the coaches and tutors who have participated in the recent coding marathongs promoted by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale - the International hackathon for Social Innovation and Coding Girls – will be present.


In particular, Innocenzo Sansone will host a session on “Microsoft Azure for DreamSpark” (3:15-4:00 pm).


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