Selene, Maria Teresa, Maria Giulia, Carolina, Francesco and Valentina are 15-17 years old. They are students at the IIS Guglielmo Marconi School in Civitavecchia (Rome), ISIS Leonardo Da Vinci School in Poggiomarino (Naples) and IISS Ettore Majorana in Brindisi, three schools selected from the 37 hubs that are experimenting the programme on artificial intelligence in Italy. Yesterday, as part of the Microsoft Innovation Summit at the Milan Bocconi University, they had the opportunity to meet with Satya Nadella, CEO of the Microsoft Corporation, and present their work [see news: Inclusive Intelligence].
In these short interviews by Elisa Amorelli [@Elisa_fmd], the three teams describe their projects and the excitement of meeting Satya Nardella.
Selene and Valentina
Maria Teresa and Maria Giulia
Carolina and Francesco