Thankful for the trust their teachers had in them, a very young team is about to make its debut at RomeCup. The students come from three different programmes: Electronics, IT and Mechanics, Mechatronics and Energy.
Enrico, Ennio, Leonardo, Riccardo, Pietro, Marco and Simone attend IIS Viola-Marchesini in Rovigo. Next, week they will compete in RomeCup 2016 (March 16-18), where with the help of Professor Archimede Baioccato, they will compete in the Rescue A Secondary Category.
They also reached the final phase of the first edition of the Robotic Olympics with their robot, an original and entirely self-built prototype, developed by the students.
Con il loro campione sono arrivati anche alla fase finale della prima edizione delle Olimpiadi di robotica. È un prototipo originale, interamente auto costruito, grazie alle diverse competenze messe in gioco dagli studenti.