3 min.
The Awards Ceremony for the 8th edition of the RomeCup, the robotics event promoted by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale was held at the Campidoglio. The winners of the Cospace Theatre, Soccer Open League and Soccer Light Weight categories will participate in the Brazil Robotics World Championships. The three days of competitions involved 102 teams from schools in 13 Italian regions, ranging from primary to second-degree secondary school.
The following prizes were presented to the winning teams in the nine competition categories:
8th International City of Rome Robotics Trophy
• Dance Primary: Funiculì Funiculà - IC Gonzaga, Eboli
• Dance Secondary: Democrito team - Liceo Scientifico Democrito, Rome
• Rescue Primary: Spoltore Insieme - IC Spoltore, Pescara
• Rescue Secondary: Rangers - IIS Volta, Pescara
• Explorer Junior: Gerolamo 2.0 - IIS Cicerone, Sala Consilina (Salerno)
• Explorer Senior: Red 1 - IIS Rosatelli, Rieti
Robocup 2014 National Selections
• Soccer Open League: Robot Magut - IIS Righi, Treviglio (Bergamo)
• Soccer Light Weight: SPQR Levis - IIS Galilei, Rome
• Cospace Theatre: Democrito Team - IIS Democrito, Rome
The two Roman teams and the team from Treviglio that won the RoboCup Junior National Selections will attend the World Robotics Championships in João Pessoa, Brazil that will be held from July 19 to 25, 2014. Moreover, all the teams that placed second (see romecup.org/risultati) received a 70-euro coupon, while the all-female “Rolly Polly” team from IIS Severi in Salerno (Dance Secondary category) received a Lego Mindstorms EV3 kit. The prizes were provided by Media Direct /Campus Store.
The awards were presented by Alfonso Molina, Scientific Director of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and Professor of Technology Strategy at the University of Edinburgh; Antonio Napolitano, Inail Lazio Director; Daniele Nardi, AI Professor at Sapienza University in Rome; Ramiro Dell’Erba from Enea and Pierluigi Lanzarini, Media Direct /Campus Store.
The 8th edition of the RomeCup set a new record in terms of attendance: 3500 students and over 300 teachers. The students loved the competitions and the prototypes that were presented in the showcase area on Italian excellence, especially in the education and services sectors. The didactic laboratories that were held at the Ipsia Cattaneo School provided a wide range of activities from Scratch Programming for the youngest to the creation of rescue robots.
Now, the RomeCup will continue its activities in schools and the Rome Città Educativa Innovation Gym, which also hosts a Robotics Center and the first Roman Fab Lab modelled on MIT’s Center for Bits and Atoms.
The RomeCup is promoted by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale with the patronage of Inail, the support of Comau Robotics, Enea, Intel and Media Direct /Campus Store, in collaboration with Città Educativa, Anp and DirScuola: media partner are Rai Edu and Focus.
RomeCup participates in the Get Online Week 2014 and Grand Coalition for Digital Jobs Campaigns.
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