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RomeCup at a Glance


RomeCup at a Glance

RomeCup at a Glance


The RomeCup will now continue in schools and at the Phyrtual Innovation Gym Robotics Centre, which hosts daily labs for students of all ages and university orientation workshops with the humanoid NAO Robot. The Fab Lab, built on the basis of MIT’s Center for Bits and Atoms allows designers to develop custom-tailored components.
The 9th edition of the RomeCup introduced students from throughout Italy to success stories developed by under-30s who transformed robotic solutions into innovative start-ups. “We try to show how robotics can lead to entrepreneurship,” explains Mirta Michilli, Director General, Fondazione Mondo Digitale. “Robotics is a fundamental axis to create a youth accelerator and overcome the crisis, and schools are demonstrating a contagious enthusiasm. Over 60 prototypes created by students eighteen and younger were presented at the RomeCup.”
RomeCup 2015 Figures
Students participated in the labs (from kindergarten to night school students)
Didactic labs for all ages (6-19) and courses of study; two labs for teachers
Teachers involved 
Over 150 robotic prototypes developed by the 50 showcase area participants (including software, apps, chipsets, etc.)
Innovative start-ups
Over 20 different types of subjects participating in the Multi-Sector Network for Robotics (universities, schools, companies, etc.). At present, the network has 70 members.
Competing school teams for a total of nearly 400 students
Competition categories plus the humanoid robot exhibition
Italian regions represented by the teams
One thousand euro wards for the first placed teams
Over 60 robotic prototypes presented by schools


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