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The RomeCup 2025 creative contests


The RomeCup 2025 creative contests

The RomeCup 2025 creative contests

Challenging the solutions developed by researchers, university professors and students

The creative contests, conceived in 2018, represent one of the most eagerly awaited and original events of the RomeCup. For the 18th edition (7-9 May 2025) mixed teams of high school students from all over Italy and young university researchers are collaborating intensively, preparing for the final event on 8 May at the Roma Tre University. A valuable opportunity for shared learning and co-creation, where robotics and artificial intelligence become concrete tools for imagining and building a more sustainable, fair and inclusive future.

Thanks to the synergy between schools and universities, RomeCup is a true innovation laboratory: the new generations, supported by experts and teachers, imagine, design and experiment with technologies aimed at improving the quality of life.

The categories in the competition
With the new year, the meetings have intensified, alternating between face-to-face workshops and online discussion sessions, with the young people exploring advanced applications in the fields of assistance, rehabilitation, agriculture, autonomous driving and technologies for the marine environment. 
Each team – made up of one or more schools in collaboration with a university department – develops a concrete project with the aim of experimenting with innovative and functional technological solutions. Projects and prototypes are evaluated according to the following criteria: originality and creativity; functionality and effectiveness; complexity and interdisciplinarity; usability and accessibility; sustainability and social impact; documentation and presentation.

Here are the categories in the competition and the teams involved:

AGROBOT. Technologies for agriculture and food sustainability

  • Roma Tre University with G. Garibaldi from Rome
  • University of Tuscia (Viterbo) with A. Volta from Tivoli
  • Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome with Vittorio Veneto ‘Città della Vittoria’ in Treviso, Leonardo Da Vinci in Jesi and the A. Giordano Comprehensive Institute in Venafro

NONNIBOT. Technologies to strengthen the bond between generations and improve remote proximity

  • University of Naples Federico II with Majorana in Pozzuoli
  • University of Pisa with Liceo Scientifico Statale N. Copernico of Brescia, Cassandro Fermi Nervi of Barletta and Istituto Omnicomprensivo A. Giordano of Venafro

COBOT. Collaborative solutions for industrial or personal work

  • University of Catania with G.B. Vaccarini of Catania and IT Archimede of Catania
  • Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome with A. Volta of Tivoli, Alessandro Volta of Frosinone and E. Fermi of Francavilla Fontana
  • University of Eastern Piedmont with A. Avogadro of Vercelli

MAREBOT. Innovations for marine applications

  • University of Florence with the all-embracing institute A. Giordano of Venafro
  • Polytechnic University of the Marche with Marconi Pieralisi of Jesi

TIRBOT. Applications for autonomous vehicles

  • University of Roma Tre with Giorgi-Woolf of Rome
  • Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome with A. Volta of Tivoli and Panella Vallauri of Reggio Calabria

DRONEBOT. Technologies for unmanned systems

  • Tor Vergata University (Rome) with Aslam of Samarate (Varese), Enzo Ferrari of Rome, Volterra of Ciampino, G.B. Vaccarini of Ciampino and Giovanni XXIII of Rome

Creativity and technology at the service of collective well-being
The final event on 8 May promises to be a day of discussion, growth and inspiration. An opportunity for the new generations to put their creativity, competence and vision to the test, contributing with their ideas to the construction of a more inclusive and technologically advanced society. RomeCup 2025, in fact, is not just a competition, but a transformative experience, to shape the future.

HealthBot, the new contest linked to the Fattore J project
For the second year, the ‘historical’ categories will be joined by the HealthBOT contest, a new addition to the fourth edition of the Fattore J project promoted with Johnson & Johnson Innovative Medicine Italia. We will soon find out which schools and universities are involved.


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