2 min.
The finals took place on March 16th in the suggestive Protomoteca Hall of the Campidoglio, where the awards, provided by STMicroelectronics were presented to the winners in each category.
- Robocup Junior Dance: Robo150 - II Circolo didattico, Eboli
- Dance Secondary: Pistoia1 - Istituto superiore S. Fedi, Pistoia
- Rescue Primary: CSI Mappano - Istituto comprensivo G. Falcone, Mappano (Turin)
- Rescue Secondary: Delpino - Itis A. Volta, Pescara
- Explorer Junior: P.F. - Itis Von Neumann, Rome
- Explorer Senior: Truce - Itis Pacinotti, Rome
- Robocup Junior Soccer Secondary Open League Field B: SPQR Itis Von Neumann and Galilei, Rome
- Robocup Junior Soccer Secondary Light Weight League Field A: Lyons - Itis Von Neumann and Galilei, Rome
- Standard Platform League Austrian Kangaroos –University of Vienna
Luisa Fracassini, Continental Italy Sites Total Quality & Corporate Social Responsability Manager STMicroelectronics, presented the awards.
Clax Italia produced the nine trophies in pure polymethylacreate. The certificates for Robocup Junior were presented by John E. Davies, Vice President of the Intel “World Ahead” Programme for the Intel Corporation.
The teams will participate in the World Robotics Championships that will be held in Istanbul, Turkey (July 5-11, 2011).