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Activities for Project “La Città Educativa di Roma Capitale – Capitale di Roma” are underway and include, amongst various other activities, the Thematic Weeks dedicated to digital literacy in school.
The first appointment is a training seminar for teachers on the use of mobile technology in class. Today and tomorrow, teachers will meet at the Rome Città Educativa (via del Quadraro 102) Phyrtual Innovation Gym to learn how to renew didactic activities with tablets and apps.
Seven classes from as many Roman schools, selected by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, will receive the equipment necessary to test mobile technology for curricular didactics.
The project is a unique opportunity to extend the benefits of technology to Roman families. Indeed, schools have a unique influence on nearly 50% of Roman citizens (students, teachers, administrators, personnel and parents. And thanks to the experiences of the Città Educativa, schools learn to interact with the city at large (enterprises, social organizations, NGOs, etc.).
See Teacher Training