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Robots in the Fields

Robots in the Fields

Robots in the Fields

Last week, as part of the Giorno per Giorno Radio Programme, Maria Grazia Putini interviewed Daniele Carnevale, Researcher at the “Roma Tor Vergata” University, who described the educational value of the AgroBot Contest (Radio 1 Rai, June 20, 2019, 11:30 am).


During the school year that just ended, students in schools and universities worked together to develop robotic solutions for agriculture. Daniele Carnevale described the various projects developed by the teams through creative contests.




The AgroBot Challenge, organised as part of RomeCup 2019, was won by Project WeedBuster, develop by a team of students at IIS Volterra in Ciampino (Rome) and the University or Rome “Tor Vergata.” WeedBuster is a robotic device that uses lasers to destroy weeds.



From Twitter

Ad aprire i #pitch #ContestCreativi, Weed Buster della categoria #AgroBot. Munito di fotocamera, cingolati e laser, disinfesta meccanicamente piante che hanno il potere di danneggiare i campi coltivati. A realizzarlo, gli studenti del LS Vito Volterra Ciampino #RomeCup2019

— Fond. Mondo Digitale (@fmdigitale) 4 aprile 2019

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