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Robotics World Championships in Bangkok


Robotics World Championships in Bangkok

Robotics World Championships in Bangkok

Three teams selected at RomeCup will be in Thailand

The three teams selected at RomeCup 2022 for the Soccer and Rescue Categories are on their way to Bangkok, Thailand. The teams are the “Mega Hertz” from IIS Lorenzo Colbianchi in Verbania (Soccer Open League), “Spqr 1” from Galileo Galilei in Rome (Soccer Light Weight) and “I Baccalà” from Alessandro Rossi in Vicenza (Cospace Rescue).

The Robotics World Championships will involve 400 teams from 45 countries for a total of 3000 participants. Tomorrow will be dedicated to set-ups. Then, over the following days, we will follow the various phases of the competition and get to know the three teams better.



Here is a quick presentation of the three teams:

Team Spqr1 members are Valerio Flammini and  Davide Belli, supported by Professors Paolo Torda and Massimiliano Manfré.



Team I baccalà members are Tommaso PiccoNicola BrunDavide Frighetto, and Tommmaso Baldi (Class 3AIT). They are coordinated by Prof. Gianluca Serbo. The team is the current European champion.



Team MegaHertz members are Davide Frova (5ª Computer Science), Paolo Pocaterra (5ª Computer Science),

Francesco Fusi (5 ª Telecommunications), Luca Griffini (5 ª Computer Science). The Cobianchi students are coordinated by Professors  Raimondo Sgrò and Marcella Sogliani and by Alberto MazzaccaroAlex Vellone and Davide Chiorlin for ERL.



The 15th edition of RomeCup was held with the patronage of the City of Rome and the Regione LazioLazio InnovaSAPEni and Fondazione Lars Magnus Ericsson, as partners; the technical support of Make a Shape; in collaboration with Edu4AI, a project cofounded by the European Erasmus+ Programme.



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