It’s nearly time for the Didattiche.2018 International Conference that will be held at the Palacongressi in Rimini on October 12-13. The event is promoted by Publishing House Erickson "to reflect on the multiple meanings of innovation and promote efficient didactics to develop students’ competences, promoting debate, participation and inclusion.”
The rich programme, which will also involve the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, includes an operative table on Educational Robotics held by Marco Brocchieri, a coach at the Phyrtual Innovation Gym.
For each 75-minute session, participants will use Educational Robotics tools for primary and secondary schools. These range from ozobot, a thumb-sized robot that can respond to over a thousand commands and follow a track, to NXT, a construction kit with a programmable smart brick, and from the WeDo Construction Kit that is used to assemble and programme simple, but creative robots to kits that apply renewable energy to robotics and the brand new Olivetti O-robot 101, which is connected to a cloud platform that allows users to manage the robot’s intelligence remotely.