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Robotics for the Future


Robotics for the Future

Robotics for the Future


Robotics can serve as a stimulus for youth and for the country through applications for Italian products and craftsmanship, agriculture and the environment, as well as daily life (bio-architecture, aids for the elders and individuals with disabilities. Then, of course, there are programmers developing robotics apps, software and innovative systems, too. The 8th edition of the RomeCup – Excellence in Robotics in Rome will be held on March 19- 21, 2014 at two prestigious locations: the Tempio di Adriano and at the Campidoglio. The initiative is promoted by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale in collaboration with Asset Camera, a special company created by the Rome Chamber of Commerce. 
It’s an event that is … Roman, Italian and European. It’s Roman because it has been held in Rome for the past eight years. It has the patronage of the City of Rome and the awards ceremony is held at the Campidoglio. It’s the first big event of 2014 that places Rome at the centre of the debate on innovation, one of the objectives of the World Wide Rome meetings conceived by Asset-Camera and Tecnopolo.
It’s Italian because participants arrive from all over Italy. The showcase area displays the best in Italian excellence and the competitions take place at a national level.
It’s European because the Fondazione Mondo Digitale is the Italian representative for Local Coalition for Digital Jobs, an initiative of the European Commission to help youth find work and receive ICT training. Thanks to the Multi-sector Network for Educational Robotics, which was inaugurated in March 2011 and now has over 70 signatories, Italy has become a best case throughout Europe.
The RomeCup 2014 returns with its winning 3 events in one formula: a showcase area with laboratories and workshops, competitions and awards ceremony. Schools, universities, research centres, companies and associations will meet in the Ancient Roman Temple that is a symbol of efficiency and splendour.
   Showcase area: companies, research centres and schools and universities will showcase Italian excellency in robotics and provide laboratories and workshops for visitors;
   Competition: the first two days will host the national selections and the competitions for the “International City of Rome Robotics Trophy” in the following categories: soccer, dance, rescue, explorer and cospace theatre. In total, 9 awards will be presented, one for each competition category;
   Awards Ceremony: day three will be held at the Rome Campidoglio (Sala della Protomoteca) and will feature the final competition rounds and the awards ceremony with important personalities from institutions and academia.
Watch the RomeCup "playlist" – all the videos from past editions!



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