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Robot for helping people


Robot for helping people

Robot for helping people
Enea will be present at RomeCup 2012 – Excellence in Robotics in Rome, an event that continues to grow richer and fuller every year. This year, the stand of the National Agency for New Technology, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development will showcase various robot prototypes: from a stereoscopic submarine head to Venus, a school of submarine robots that perform tasks related to environmental surveillance and submarine archeology, and Prassi, a robot that studies terrestrial environments.
One of the greatest novelties is a system for deambulation support that has recently been prototyped by ENEA Research to help people walk. The system is composed of three elements: environmental transmitters, a receiver and a general control system. The innovative sensors were developed through the use of electro-magnetic radiation in the infrared bandwidth and wireless receivers.
Andrea Zanela, Manager of the ENEA Research, Department for Sensors and Automation for Physical-Emotional Support, explains how the new device operates.



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