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Robot Facilitators


Robot Facilitators

Robot Facilitators


Project “Building Wings: inclusion of children with communication disabilities through educational robotics” (Costruire le ali: inclusione di bambini con disagi della comunicazione attraverso la robotica educativa) is financed by the Lazio and involves three classes at the Istituto comprensivo Viale dei Consoli in the Tuscolano neighbourhood of Rome:
   Class IE, first degree secondary school - Lego NXT kit
   Class IA, primary school - Bee-Bots
   Class IVA, primary school - Lego We Do
The school on Viale dei Consoli will become the protagonist of an experimental project on Educational Robotics dedicated to children with specific learning disabilities (DSA). Thanks to cooperative work based on a constructive and inclusive methodology or “learning by doing,” even the most fragile students will learn to test solutions together with their classmates. Coordinated by an educational robotics expert, acting as a facilitator, the students will learn to exchange ideas and opinions and test and verify them.
The first workshop was held yesterday at the Rome Città Educativa with Elena Tedde (special assistance teacher) and Giulia Graziani (Maths and Science teacher) from first-degree secondary school, Donatella Tanzi (special assistance teacher), Marinella Famini and Luciana Pitti primary school teachers.
The “Building Wings” Project was presented in the showcase area at RomeCup 2014 by young developers from the school. In the photo, Roma Capitale Councillor Alessandra Cattoi (School, Infancy, Youth and Equal Opportunities) and Mirta Michilli, Director General, Fondazione Mondo Digitale.

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