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The Risks of Sharenting

I rischi dello sharenting

The Risks of Sharenting

The Risks of Sharenting

Suggestions for parents from the public ombudsman

According to a European study, each year, on average, parents share 300 photos of their children; by the time they are five, they will have shared nearly one thousand.

The three main destinations for these photos are Facebook (54%), Instagram (16%) and Twitter (12%). “Before birth” photos are increasing, too. In Italy, 15% of parents also publish photos of their scans [also see: Pediatri, 1000 foto sui social per bimbo prima dei 5 anni].

Are parents aware of the risks posed by publishing photos of their children on-line? We have repeatedly addressed the phenomenon known as “sharenting,” the constant on-line sharing of content on one’s children (photos, videos, scans), especially through projects as Fully Enjoy the Internet promoted with Google. We help parents evaluate the various implications of sharenting that range from privacy violations to soliciting.

Today, we share an information sheet published by the Public Privacy Ombudsman with suggestions for parents. 



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