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Ricominciodatre on Radio3 Mondo


Ricominciodatre on Radio3 Mondo

Ricominciodatre on Radio3 Mondo


How to integrate young refugees in the Italian social context and job market: This is the subject of the 
Radio3Mondo programme (today, 11.30-12.00 am) dedicated to World Refugee Day, promoted by UNCHR.
This is the objective of the Ricominciodatre pilot project promoted by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale. Thanks to the collaboration with some Roman schools, companies and organisations, young men and women from Afghanistan, Eritrea, Sudan, Mauritania and Gambia have become tax assistance, media and new technology experts.
Anna Maria Giordano interviews Moussa, a young refugee from Mauritania, who participates in the project and Alfonso Molina, Scientific Director of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and Professor of Technology Strategy at the University of Edinburgh.

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