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Resolving Conflicts

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Resolving Conflicts

Resolving Conflicts


The didactic material on negotiation prepared by the University of Plymouth for Project Enact - Enhancing Negotiation Skills through On-line Assessment of Competencies and Interactive Mobile Training is now online.
Project Enact is a two-year (Jan. 2014 – Dec. 2015) project that involves 6 partners from 4 countries. It is implemented as part of the transversal Lifelong Learning Programme Key Activity 3 – Development of Content and ICT-based Services. The project aims to develop and test a didactic methodology and innovative assessment tool to improve negotiation and communication skills in both formal and informal learning contexts.
The definition of “negotiation” adopted by Project Enact is strictly related to efficient communication as a transversal competency based on assertive behaviour and self-awareness. Efficient communication, in relation with the concept of self-efficacy, determines the success of our interactions and negotiation processes.
The Rahim Model for the management of interpersonal conflicts is an ideal starting point for the Enact training programme as it places the emphasis on learning processes. In particular, the Rahim Model indicates that the efficiency of communication and negotiation processes depends on individual self-awareness and the ability to adopt a suitable communication style.
Two tools - ROCI II and the General Self-Efficacy Scale – support the investigation into the relation between point obtained via questionnaires on the different styles used by participants for an on-line game and the relation between self-efficacy and assertiveness and the relative positive effect on negotiation processes.




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