Even Project Smart for Europe, developed with the Europe Direct Centre in Reggio Calabria, is part of the actions organised by Repubblica Digitale, the strategic national initiative promote d by the Department for Digital Transformation of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers as part of the “Italia 2025” Strategy.
The objective of Smart for Europe is to raise the awareness of citizens on issues concerning digital citizenship and a conscientious participation in on-line life. The project will train 50 Europe Direct digital ambassadors for the City of Reggio Calabria to bolster the multiplier effect of social learning. By the end of the training course, each ambassador will be able to train – proximately or remotely – no less than 10 other peers as digital facilitators. Peer education will allow ambassadors to introduce other citizens to digital technology for communication, sharing and accessing new digital services.
The Fondazione Mondo Digitale, one of the first organisations of civil society to join the Manifesto, is participating with several projects:
- Grandparents on the Internet
- Coding Girls
- Social Hosting Hub
- “Vagone FMD. Da 01 a 100” with Facebook
- “Ambizione Italia” with Microsoft
- “Operation Digital Risorgimento” with Tim