1 min.
The Itis Majorana School in Ragusa is accredited as a Polyfunctional Resource Centre for Dropouts, a phenonmenon that the school studies and fights on various fronts. Sicily, in fact, is the Italian Region with the highest dropout rate (26%). The national average is 19.2%. The school in Ragusa has activated new tools for the 2011-12 school year, including the Nonni SUD Internet Project that employs technical, didactic and relational skills of digital natives to teach elders how to use a computer.
The first training workshop, held by Ana Lain on September 30th at the Majorana School, developed the idea of opening a small electronic music laboratory for the elder students.
Ana Lain interviewed some of the people involved in the project:
Maria Concetta Giarritta Prestipino, Headmaster
Ubaldo Casamichiela, Director of Administration and General Services
Giuseppe D'Izzia, Coordinating Teacher
Angelo Tidona, President of the Insieme Terra Iblea Auser Centre
Il progetto Nonni SUD Internet è finanziato da Fondazione con il Sud nell’ambito della linea di intervento Progetti Speciali e Innovativi.
La scheda del progetto [in formato pdf]