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Python in 4 Days

Python in 4 Days

Python in 4 Days

Binario F at the Rome Termini Railway station will continue to host the summer edition  of Programme Vagone FMD. Da 0 a 100 [see news: Summer at Binario F].


Today is the first day of the Young Summer Camp (July 2-5), a basic coding lab with Python, an dynamic, object-oriented language held by Giorgia Di Tommaso, a coach from the Fondazione Mondo Digitale.


The four-module lab will alternate theory and practice to introduce participants to the logic of coding and the creation of applications.


The course does not require participants to have any prior knowledge of computers or coding. However, by the end of the course, they will know how to:

  • Model medium-difficulty problems to resolve them with programmes;
  • Break down complex problems into simpler ones;
  • Implement solutions by designing sound programmes with an elegant coding style;
  • Debug and test programmes;
  • Use Python.

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