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Professor Michele


Professor Michele

Professor Michele


Michele Di Giovanni (18), who attends Itis Guglielmo Marconi in Catania, is a veteran for Project Grandparents on the Internet. This is his third year as a tutor and his classmates have nicknamed him “Professor.” Indeed, he often does act as a professor and sits in for the coordinating teacher at the multimedia board.
The real teacher, Prof. Vincenzina Pastore, explains that Michele has become a lighthouse for the school and the community of elders. He is growing rapidly and knows how to respect commitments and respect responsibilities. “He always is the first to arrive at the computer lab,” she adds, “and the last to leave the room, after having checked that everything has been put away.”
Michele chose to become a knowledge volunteer. He prepares, studies and always strives to improve his didactic abilities. Moreover, he is very proud of his friendship with elders and other tutors.
Cecilia Stajano (School Innovation) surprised Michele with an interview:



The digital literacy project has been inserted into the school’s Didactic Catalog

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