1 min.
To celebrate 9th Day for Personal Data Protection, the Fondazione Mondo Digitale has organized a special lesson on on-line safety for the Grandparents on the Internet programme.
The lesson was held at IIS Evangelista Torricelli by Marcello Pistilli (64), a digital animator for local communities through ProjectACTing.
Rosy D’Elia interviewed coordinating teacher Maria Mascheretti, Professor of Letters at the Liceo Scientifico Statale “E. Torricelli” and Marcello Pistilli, who has worked in ICT since 1970 and specialized in safety. Marcello is now retired and works as a social agent.
European Project “Acting: Social Agents Promoting Active Ageing through ICT”, implemented as part of the Leonardo Da Vinci Programme (Multilateral Innovation Transfer Projects), trains agents for active ageing.
These “special” agents help elders to familiarise with new technologies and discover tools that can improve their life quality and help them over come their “big brother” fear of the web.