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Policy Tools for Digital Transformation

Mirta Michilli

Policy Tools for Digital Transformation

Policy Tools for Digital Transformation

Mirta Michilli at the conference promoted by the Institute for Competitiveness


"Don’t Stop “it” Now. Policy to Drive Digital Transformation in Italy between the EU and the PNRR"  is the title of the conference organised by the Istituto per la competitività (I-Com) that will be held on Tuesday, October 25 (9:00-12:50). The event will also provide the opportunity to present I-Com’s 14th report on New Generation Networks and Services 2022.

The objective of the initiative is to provide analyses and proposals to continue driving and renew the spirit and work accomplished in the past months and years in terms of digital transformation in Italy, as well as to provide the new generations with better perspectives. It’s a call to drive IT and Italy, too, to anchor (and possible improve) them to the objectives of the PNRR to 2026 and European objectives set for 2030.

Following an introductory session in which the report will be presented, the event will continue with two parallel worktables. The first will address “Policy for a Digital European Market” and the second “PNRR and Policy Tools for the Digital Transformation of Infrastructure and Services.” These will be followed by a plenary session with a final debate featuring institutional representatives.

FMD Director General Mirta Michilli  has been invited to participate in the session dedicated to policy tools.

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