We would like to share the invitation of the Regione Lazio with our community to participate in the “PinkHack ProjectSprint,” a unique opportunity to stimulate the interest of youg women in STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics).
There are €3000 in awards available, besides 10 places to participate in the ACM womENcourage European Hackathon at MAXXI, which will host the top European meeting for women working in IT [see news: A Poster for Women].
ProjectSprint “Plastic Free Beach” will be held on July 18 at 2 pm at WeGIL in Rome (Largo Ascianghi 5). Participants will collaborate in teams to propose solutions for the plastic waste issue and other non-biodegradable refuse on Lazio beaches. Moreover, 10 women will be selected to participate in the European Hackathon.
Participants will present a motivational pitch lasting no longer than one minute. A jury of experts will select the participants; participation in the PinkHack Roadshow will be considered a plus.
The initiative address young femal students, researchers and professionals.
Register at: https://www.eventbrite.it/e/biglietti-projectsprint-plastic-free-beach-64597381507