4 min.
It has been the most successful public consultation in European history, a success that demonstrates the importance of the operators involved. The compilation and organization of “Partecipa!” was managed by a hybrid alliance including more than 450 public administrations, Istat, schools and the third sector.
The Fondazione Mondo Digitale was a partner of the Ministry of Institutional Reforms for the part addressing digital literacy amongst the elderly. Thanks to the intergenerational learning model, students and grandparents filled out the questionnaires and participated in this democratic process together.
Francesco Cammarota from the Circolo Auser in Scampia (Naples) explains the importance of participating in the consultation:
From the Marche to Lombardy and from Puglia to Siciy, schools joined the "Open Doors for Citizens!" Initiative and allowed the over-sixties to express their opinions.
Amongst the most active participating schools:
• LSS "Ettore Majorana" - Genzano di Lucania (PZ), Basilicata
• IIS "ITAS ITC di Rossano" - Cosenza, Calabria
• ITIS "A. Monaco" - Cosenza, Calabria
• IIS "M.Carafa - V.Giustiniani" - Cerreto (BN) - Campania
• IC 28 "Giovanni XXIII" Aliotta - Naples, Campania
• 48°CD "M.C. Russo" - Naples, Campania
• IC "A.Ristori" - Naples, Campania
• ISIS "F.S. Nitti" - Naples, Campania
• ITIS "G. Ferraris" - Naples, Campania
• IC "Amanzio Ranucci Alfieri" - Marano di Naples (NA), Campania
• IC "Correggio 1" - Correggio (RE), Emilia Romegna
• LCS- LSS- LL "L. Rocci" - Passo Corese (RI), Lazio
• IC "L. Da Vinci" - Ciampino (RM), Lazio
• LCS "Lucrezio Caro" - Rome, Lazio
• ITSST "L. Da Vinci" - Viterbo, Lazio
• ITIS "A. Volta" - Tivoli (RM), Lazio
• IO "F.lli Agosti" - Bagnoregio (VT), Lazio
• IC "Via Latina 303" - Rome, Lazio
• IC "Viale dei Consoli 16" - Rome, Lazio
• IC "Marina di Cerveteri" - Cerenova (RM), Lazio
• LCS "G.D. Cassini" - Sanremo (IM), Liguria
• IC "P. Soprani" - Castelfidardo (AN), Marche
• SMS "Alighieri - Tanzi" - Mola di Bari (BA), Puglia
• ITIS "G. Ferraris" - San Giovanni La Punta (CT), Sicilia
• ITI "G. Marconi" - Catania, Sicilia
• IC "16° Villa Lina - Ritiro" - Messina, Sicilia
• IIS M. Rapisardi - Paternò (CT), Sicilia
• IT "L. Da Vinci" - Milazzo (ME), Sicilia
• ITC "V. Fossombroni" - Grosseto, Toscana
• IC "R. Castellani" - Alberto Manzi di Iolo" - Prato, Toscana
• IC "Arrigo da Settimello" - Calenzano (FI), Toscana
• IC "Bassa Anaunia" - Denno (TN), Trentino Alto Adige
The final results of the on-line consultation will be published in November, once the third phase is completed.
For further information:
• Photogallery - Schools
• Article on "Nova" - Sole 24 Ore by Damien Lanfrey and Donatella Solda, Department for Institutional Reforms