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The “three events in one” formula will allow students and teachers from all over Italy to enjoy three days dedicated to the world of Robotics, interacting with prototypes in the didactic laboratories and discovering all the novelties exhibited in the showcase area at Città Educativa.
Companies, universities, research centres, associations and schools are working together for the future of Italy and its youth.
Showcase participants: ENEA, Comau Robotics, Media Direct, Google, Campus Bio Medico di Roma, Università degli studi di Roma Tor Vergata, Università degli studi Sapienza di Roma, Politecnico di Torino, 3VD – spin off Università Politecnica delle Marche, Istituto Europeo di Design, Modern Automata Museum, ANP, ANIAT, Itis Archimede - Catania, Itis Vallauri - Fossano, Itis Volta - Frosinone, Itis Midossi - Civita Castellana, Liceo scientifico Democrito - Rome, II CD - Eboli, IC Don Milani - Latina and the Scuola Ospedale Gaslini - Genoa.
The seventh edition of RomeCup – Excellence in Robtics in Rome will be held on March 20-22, 2013 at the Rome Città (Via del Quadraro 102) and at the Rome Campidoglio.
For further information: