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Our New Image

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Our New Image

Our New Image

The reasons behind our choices and the creative process.

We begin the new school year with a new visual identity: the logo with mankind at the centre as the fulcrum of technological and social progress. A linear design, just like our constant commitment to simplification and inclusion, to drive individuals towards full digital citizenship.

For nearly twenty-five years, we have been known for our commitment in upholding essential cultural values for a democratic knowledge society placing individuals and the planet at the centre of development. In order to achieve this mission, we have promoted collaborative alliances based on the Life Education Model with schools, universities, organisations, and businesses with a common objective. Every year, we reach out to over 150,000 individuals through ca. 40 projects in Italy and worldwide and with over 200 partners. It’s a commitment that can be summarised by the expression “democratic knowledge society” that has always connoted and identified our organisation.

Between 2022 and 2023, we began an important transformation. We became a third sectory organisation, registered in the National Third Sector Registry (RUNTS) and became eligible for the “5x1000” tax allocation. And it’s a natural evolution for us. We started out with a hybrid governance, as a non-profit of the Rome Council, and were later also supported by the Regione Lazio. Today, we are in constant dialogue with the public administration, even in an entrepreneurial context. We are a reliable presence in schools, elderly centres, and large businesses throughout Italy.

This growth continues and the evolution of society drove us towards a new graphic identity. The first step was the “5x1000” tax campaign in Rome and Milan in which members of our community presented the five key words of our activity: Technology, Innovation, Future, Growth, and Knowledge. The campaign was developed in various phases by creative copywriter Paolo Iabichino. This led to the pay-off “Right to Knowledge”  as a fundamental human right.

Then, the campaign led to a new definition of our visual image to provide a greater presence to mankind. The myth of Prometheus, who challenged the gods to bring the flame of knowledge to humanity, gave rise to our original logo: a flaming world and a stylized human. So, we concentrate on the essential: the figure in the circle represents the central role of humanity, especially in an ear of great technological acceleration.

“I always being the creative process by asking myself what image I would use to express a certain concept, if what I were designing was a clothing brand, a second skin. If the answer is yes, it means that what I came up with is satisfactory and that I’m promoting a valuable message,” explains Sergio Stenco, the graphic designer who worked on the new logo. “In this case, I strove for simplification and harmony – just like the Fondazione Mondo Digitale. Making complex concepts simple facilitates the approach to new technology to those who have no familiarity with it, but it also helps them to not be overcome and manage it. In terms of colour, the logo is still in the original amaranth, along with a range of available colours to attract viewers.”

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