1 min.
The roundtable organized to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale together with Tullio De Mauro was open to schools, agencies, organisations and social innovators. Everyone was free to express an opinion and participate in the debate, that was also webcast live.
A few testimonials …
When I saw what the FMD was doing, I thought, “These are my brothers!”
Dino Bertocco, Aequinet President
We have an excellent and fecund collaboration with FMD
Celestino Rocco, Headmaster of the Secondo circolo didattico di Eboli
I believe research agencies and universities can implement true didactic activities
Claudio Moriconi, ENEA Robotics Laboratory
Now I can participate in the reunions with my colleagues in Cameroon every day …
Martin Nkafu, LATS President
An exceptional experience!
Anna Rita Tamponi, Headmaster, Liceo Tito Lucrezio Caro in Rome
A fantastic experience that has allowed us to help a rapidly changing world
Alessandro, knowledge volunteer
In the beginning, I was skeptical … Today, it’s a fight … I have 150 elders on the waiting list
Mario Cori, President of the Renato Annini-Villa Lais Elderly Centre