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Orientation Coding


Orientation Coding

Orientation Coding
Today, IIS Pacinotti-Archimede will host a second coding session dedicated to school orientation (9:30 am – 1:30 pm) as part of the fourth digital literacy Thematic Week promoted by the Rome Città Educativa.
This is an original strategy implemented by the school that employs concrete actions to orient last-year first-degree secondary school students to experiment with new technologies. The event will involve 40 students attending year eight in three schools. The tutors will be coordinated by the CodingGirls, who have now also opened a Facebook page.
The three coaches are:
•   Agnese Trozzo, 23, has a degree in computer science and is currently studying for a Masters in Multimedia Computing Interaction. Her passions? Coding and the web.
•   Giorgia di Tommaso, 24, also has a degree in computer science and is studying for a Masters. She loves graphics and new technologies and develops Android apps in her free time.
•   Manuela Benedetti, 25, is also studying for a Masters Degree in Multimedia Computing and Interaction. She loves artificial intelligence and is especially interested in usability aspects. 


Agnese, Giorgia and Manuela, aged respectively 23, 24 and 25, earned their computer science degree at Sapienza University in Rome and were trained by American coaches Ashley Gavin and Elizabeth Caudle (both 27 years old) at the CodingGirls Rome-USA Event. Their work is now coordinated by Cecilia Stajano (School Innovation Manager, FMD).

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