1 min.
Even elders can be protagonists of the digital world during this event. From children, for whom the event is dedicated as the Safer Internet Day and who will be taught how to safely use technology and mobile phones, to the no-longer so young, for whom the students of Mondo Digitale, the digital angels, who will demonstrate what can be done with Internet to the elders: free video calls to grandchildren and children working in other cities, photographs to download on PCs and Public Administration services. It’s a simple way to help seniors understand that it is never too late to understand the web.
No Web? It’s a Problem
In 2011, half of the Italian population still has no idea of the Internet. It’s a state of things that damages the citizens and the country as a whole. An information week will be held in Rome for individuals, companies and institutions.
by Mario Munafò
L'Espresso, 10 February 2011, pg. 102
Read the Article (in Italian)