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Next Week’s Appointments

Next Week’s Appointments

Next Week’s Appointments

The beginning of the school year also marks the return to full activities for all the formal and informal educational activities scheduled as part of ongoing projects. The “extended school” model of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale involves not only students, but also the entire educational community, as well as providing lifelong learning opportunities to third sector operators, professionals, etc.


Starting on Monday, September 16, OpenSpace will be at the Phyrtual Innovation Gym that is developing at the Milan Istituto Comprensivo Madre Teresa di Calcutta. For the entire week, Fiammetta Castagnini will host a Video Lab on "Audiovisual Storytelling: Shooting and Recording Techniques for Storytelling.” The lab will involve various classes and on Friday will be reserved for teachers [see agenda].


At Binario F, the week opens with the train-the-trainers programme of Living Digital to prepare 10 new coaches for six different regions [see agenda]. On Friday, September 20, there will be the first of four appointments of a course dedicated to associations: "Quello che non si racconta non esiste" (What cannot be told does not exist) held by Nicoletta Vulpetti. The course is part of Programme Vagone FMD [see agenda].


Project CS First, promoted with Google, will hold two courses involving teachers. On Friday afternoon, at IC San Fior in Treviso, there will be a lab with Mirko Labbri, while on Saturday morning Vincenzo Di Pumpo will hold a course at IC Giovanni XXIII in Paceco (Trapani).


European Project Inclusive Senior Education through Virtual U3A (ISEV) kicks off with the second an final phase on blended mobility in Portugal. Four over-60s, Domenico, Guido, Roberto and Cristina, will be accompanied by Marcello Pistilli, author of the Blusa Blog, and Prof. Clelia Gentili to Lisbon to share their educational experience with other others.


The final conference for European Project Holomakers. Will be held next Tuesday in Warsaw.


On Saturday, the Istituto Comprensivo Piazza Winckelmann in Rome will host activities for Project "The Future is Now 2," one of the winning projects of the "Learn STEM in the Summer" Call promoted by the Department for Equal Opportunities.


Another international event dedicated to women and STEM is the 6th International ACM WomEncourage 2019 Conference. The objective is to involve women in ICT professions and provide support for students, researchers and women at the beginning of their career in this field. On September 16-18, the conference at the Rome MAXXI Museum will include a rich programme of issues, educational activities and networking opportunities. The Coding Girls will participate in the hackathon.


Accessibility Day, promoted by Microsoft, will be held at the Milan Microsoft House. In the afternoon, FMD Director General Mirta Michilli will address the “Future Classroom: Accessibility and Digital Tools for the School of the Future.”


As usual, over the weekend, the digital manufacturing lab (Fab Lab) at the Phyrtual Innovation Gym is open to the maker community: Saturday-Sunday from 3:30 to 8:30 pm.


Places are still available for two Fab Lab workshops: Jewel Geometry and Family Symmetry.


Google Calendar allows you to follow all scheduled events and save the activities you are interested in in your personal agenda.


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