This week nearly 40 labs will be held by Fondazione Mondo Digitale Coaches in schools, the digital environments at the Phyrtual Innovation Gym and other facilities dedicated to the development of digital competences, such as the Milan Microsoft House and Binario F at the Rome Termini Railway Station. The labs will involve students, teachers, school administrators, over-60s, retired craftsmen, women, entrepreneurs and migrants. The projects include: Ambizione Italia for Schools, Coding visuale, ISEV, Open Space, Share School, She Means Business, Amongst Generations, Living Digital, Welcome and +WE- Wurth Experience.
Programme Ambizione Italia for Schools is leading to the creation of new school hubs dedicated to the development of digital competences. The first hubs to start are the Piaget-Diaz in Rome, the Marconi di Civitavecchia and the Marconi in Nocera Inferiore that will hold workshops on artificial intelligence.
OpenSpace, the project selected by Con i Bambini for the Fund for Contrasting the Educational Poverty of Minors, is developing a Phyrtual Innovation Gym at the Istituto comprensivo Madre Teresa di Calcutta in Milan. Throughout the week, digital manufacturing labs will be held for students and teachers.
European Projects ISEV and Welcome will also hold workshops at the Phyrtual Innovation Gym, while a project meeting will be held for Accord on February 26-27 in Germany.
In Rome, digital literacy courses based on the intergenerational learning model continue for over-60s with school students, trained by the FMD, acting as tutors, coordinated by a teacher. Moreover, Project Going Digital will open the Computer Labs of 8 schools to local elderly centre members in the following neighbourhoods: Albertelli, Bachelet, Bottardi, Einaudi, Gasmann, Mameli, Keplero and Via Papareschi. On Thursday, the first lesson will be held for members of the Villa Lais Elderly Centre at the De Chirico-Confalonieri and Val Cannuta al Bachelet Schools.
The week will end with a “family format” Robotics Lab at the Phyrtual Innovation Gym t the Elderly for students aged 6-10 and their parents or grandparents [see news: The Emotion of Learning Together]. And, as usual, the Fab Lab is always open for makers over the weekend.
9.30 am - 1.00 pm
Project: Share School
Activity: Digital Manufacturing
Environment: Fab Lab
Where: Rome Phyrtual Innovation Gym
School: IC Parco degli Acquedotti
Target: Students
Coach: Federica Pellegrini
9.30 am - 1.00 pm
Project: Ambizione Italia for Schools
Activity: Artificial Intelligence Lab
Environment: Game Lab
Where: Rome Phyrtual Innovation Gym
School: IIS Buonarroti di Frascati
Target: Students
Coach: Giorgia Di Tommaso
10.00 am - 1.00 pm
Project: Ambizione Italia for Schools
Activity: Artificial Intelligence Lab
Environment: HUB
Where: IIS Marconi di Civitavecchia (Rome)
Target: Students 3ª A inf.
Coach: Claudio Capobianco
10.15 am - 2.15 pm
Project: Ambizione Italia for Schools
Activity: Artificial Intelligence Lab
Environment: HUB
Where: IIS Marconi di Nocera Inferiore
Target: Students 4ª F
Coaches: Bruna Tafuri, D'Ambrosio
9.30 am - 1.00 pm
Project: Ambizione Italia for Schools
Activity: Artificial Intelligence Lab
Environment: Class AI
Where: Microsoft House in Milan
School: IIS Falcone-Righi in Milan
Target: Students, Year 3
Coach: Valentina Gelsomini
8.00 - 11.40 am
Project: OpenSpace
Activity: Digital Manufacturing
Environment: Fab Lab
Where: Phyrtual Innovation Gym (under development)
School: Madre Teresa di Calcutta in Milan
Target: I A and I C
Coach: Matteo Viscogliosi
11.50 am – 1.00 pm
Project: OpenSpace
Activity: Digital Manufacturing
Environment: Fab Lab
Where: Phyrtual Innovation Gym (under development)
School: Madre Teresa di Calcutta in Milan
Target: Science Area Teachers
Coach: Matteo Viscogliosi
1.30 - 2.30 pm
Project: OpenSpace
Activity: Stop Motion for School Web TV
Environment: Fab Lab
Where: Phyrtual Innovation Gym (under development)
School: Madre Teresa di Calcutta in Milan
Target: Students
Coach: Matteo Viscogliosi
9.30 am - 1.00 pm
Project: Living Digital
Activity: Interactive Modules on Security, Web Presence and Innovation
School: IPSSARCT Cavallotti di Città di Castello
Target: Students, Years 4-5
Coaches: Lisa di Bello and Manuela Benedetti
9.00 am - 1.00 pm
Project: Ambizione Italia for Schools
Activity: AI Lab
Environment: Robotics Centre
Where: Rome Phyrtual Innovation Gym
Target: Students, ITA Garibaldi di Rome
Coach: Giorgia Di Tommaso
10.00 am - 1.00 pm
Project: Welcome
Activity: Robotics
Environment: Robotics Centre
Where: Rome Phyrtual Innovation Gym
Target: Migrants
Coach: Marco Brocchieri
9.30 am – 1.00 pm
Project: ISEV
Activity: Digital Manufacturing
Environment: Fab Lab
Where: Rome Phyrtual Innovation Gym
Target: Students and over-60s
Coach: Federica Pellegrini
8.00 am - 1.35 pm
Project: OpenSpace
Activity: Digital Manufacturing
Environment: Fab Lab
Where: Phyrtual Innovation Gym (under development)
School: Madre Teresa di Calcutta in Milan
Target: Students I B, I D, I E
Coach: Matteo Viscogliosi
9.00 am - 1.00 pm
Project: Ambizione Italia for Schools
Activity: Artificial Intelligence Lab
Environment: Class AI
Where: Microsoft House in Milan
School: IIS Schiapparelli-Gramsci in Milan
Target: Students, Year 3
9.30 am - 1.00 pm
Project: Living Digital
Activity: Interactive Modules on Security, Web Presence and Innovation
School: IPSSARCT Cavallotti di Città di Castello
Target: Students, Years 4-5
Coaches: Lisa di Bello and Manuela Benedetti
14.30 - 18.30
Project: Project Class 4.0 VR (Tecnosystems and Acer)
Environment: 5 immersive labs
Activity: Virtual Reality
School: Conservatorio San Niccolò in Prato
Target: Students and Teachers
Coach: Lara Forgione
9.00 am - 1.00 pm
Project: Share School
Activity: Robotics and Coding
Environment: Robotics Centre
Where: Rome Phyrtual Innovation Gym
School: IC Salvo D’Acquisto
Target: Students
Coach: Marco Brocchieri
9.00 am - 1.00 pm
Project: +WE - Wurth Experience
Activity: Digital Art Lab
Environment: Video Lab
Where: Rome Phyrtual Innovation Gym
Target: LA Caravillani
Coach/artista: Paolo Scoppola
9.00 am - 1.00 pm
Project: Ambizione Italia for Schools
Activity: AI Lab
Environment: Game Lab
Where: Rome Phyrtual Innovation Gym
Target: ITA Garibaldi di Rome
Coach: Giorgia Di Tommaso
9.30 am - 1.00 pm
Project: Ambizione Italia for Schools
Activity: Artificial Intelligence Lab
Environment: HUB
Where: Piaget-Diaz in Rome
Target: Students
Coach: Valentina Gelsomini
9.30 am - 1.00 pm
Project: Ambizione Italia for Schools
Activity: Artificial Intelligence Lab
Environment: Class AI
Where: Microsoft House in Milan
School: IIS Feltrinelli
Target: Students, Year 3 F
Coach: Pietro Campanella
9.30 am - 1.00 pm
Project: Living Digital
Activity: Interactive Modules on Security, Web Presence and Innovation
Where: Binario F, Stazione Termini in Rome
Target: Students at IIS Bianchini di Terracina (Latina)
Coach: Lara Forgione
8.00 - 11.40 am
Project: OpenSpace
Activity: Digital Storytelling with Stop Motion
Environment: Fab Lab
Where: Phyrtual Innovation Gym (under development)
School: Madre Teresa di Calcutta in Milan
Target: Students I A and I C
Coach: Matteo Viscogliosi
Project: OpenSpace
Activity: Digital Storytelling with Stop Motion
Environment: Fab Lab
Where: Phyrtual Innovation Gym (under development)
School: Madre Teresa di Calcutta in Milan
Target: Teachers
Coach: Matteo Viscogliosi
2.30 - 4.30 pm
Project: OpenSpace
Activity: Digital Manufacturing
Environment: Fab Lab
Where: Phyrtual Innovation Gym (under development)
School: Madre Teresa di Calcutta in Milan
Target: Students at the Liceo Donatelli Pascal in Milan
Coach: Matteo Viscogliosi
9.30 am - 1.00 pm
Project: Tra generazioni. L'unione crea il lavoro
Activity: Digital Literacy
Environment: Computer Lab
School: IIS Pacinotti in Cagliari
Target: Students and CNA Members
Coordinating Professor:
9.30 am - 1.00 pm
Project: Share School
Activity: Robotics and Coding
Environment: Robotics Centre
Where: Rome Phyrtual Innovation Gym
Target: IC Casal Del Bianco
Coach: Federica Pellegrini
9.00 am - 1.00 pm
Project: Ambizione Italia for Schools
Activity: AI Lab
Environment: Game Lab
Where: Rome Phyrtual Innovation Gym
Target: ITA Garibaldi
Coach: Marco Brocchieri
3.00 - 6.00 pm
Project: She Means Business
Activity: Social Media for Business
Where: Binario F, Stazione Termini in Rome
Target: Women Entrepreneurs
Coach: Astrid D'Eredità
4.30 – 6.30 pm
Project: Visual Coding
Activity: Coding
School: IC Anagni
Target: Primary and First-degree Secondary School Teachers
Coaches: Valentina Gelsomini and Lara Forgione
9.30 am - 1.30 pm
Project: Ambizione Italia for Schools
Activity: Artificial Intelligence Lab
Environment: Class AI
Where: Microsoft House in Milan
School: IIS Geymonat
Target: Students, Year 3
8.00 am - 1.35 pm
Project: OpenSpace
Activity: Digital Storytelling with Stop Motion
Environment: Fab Lab
Where: Phyrtual Innovation Gym (under development)
School: Madre Teresa di Calcutta in Milan
Target: Students I B, I D, I E
Coach: Matteo Viscogliosi
9.30 am - 1.00 pm
Project: Share School
Activity: Robotics and Coding
Environment: Robotics Centre
Where: Rome Phyrtual Innovation Gym
Target: IC Quasimodo
Coach: Marco Brocchieri
9.00 am - 1.00 pm
Project: Ambizione Italia for Schools
Activity: Artificial Intelligence Lab
Environment: Class AI
Where: Microsoft House in Milan
School: IIS Monnet
Target: Students, Year 3
Coach: Andrea Morachioli
12.00 am - 1.00 pm
Project: OpenSpace
Activity: Digital Manufacturing
Environment: Fab Lab
Where: Phyrtual Innovation Gym (under development)
School: Madre Teresa di Calcutta in Milan
Target: Teachers
Coach: Matteo Viscogliosi
9.30 am - 1.00 pm
Project: Living Digital
Activity: Interactive Modules on Security, Web Presence and Innovation
School: LS di Ceccano, Frosinone
Target: Students, Years 4-5
Coaches: Lara Forgione and Astrid D'Eredità
9.30 am - 1.00 pm
Project: Living Digital
Activity: Interactive Modules on Security, Web Presence and Innovation
School: ITI Pacinotti in Taranto
Target: Students, Years 4-5
Coach: Gaetano Manzulli
3.00 - 6.00 pm
Project: Family Robotics
Activity: Creating a Robot with the Lego WeDo Kit
Environment: Robotics Centre
Where: Rome Phyrtual Innovation Gym
Target: children (6-10), parents, grandparents
Coach: Federica Pellegrini
3.30 – 8.30 pm
Activity: Digital Manufacturing
Environment: Fab Lab
Where: Rome Phyrtual Innovation Gym
Target: Makers
Coordinator: Matteo Viscogliosi
3.30 – 8.30 pm
Activity: Digital Manufacturing
Environment: Fab Lab
Where: Rome Phyrtual Innovation Gym
Target: Makers
Coordinator: Matteo Viscogliosi