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The Neet Network

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The Neet Network

The Neet Network



Youth unemployment has grown by 17% since 2008. Istat data reveals that more than 2.2 million under-thirties are neither studying nor working. Moreover, Italy places nearly last in Europe with 25% Neets, nearly 8% above the average. (source: “Nella rete dei Neet”; Sole 24 Ore; July 8, 2013)
Project MEET NO NEET, the result of a partnership between Microsoft Italy, Fondazione Mondo Digitale, Roma Capitale and Italian schools, starts from this state of affairs and addresses young students to provide them with innovative tools and the competences necessary to enter the working world via social commitment. The key concepts here are life skills and social innovation.
The project addresses 6000 young students aged 18-24 anni that are involved in the project through 18 Italian participating secondary second degree schools and 2 universities.
Mirta Michilli, general director of Fondazione Mondo Digitale, speaks about the project during the NGO Day 2013 promoted by Microsoft.





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