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National Digital Innovation Award

innovazione digitale

National Digital Innovation Award

National Digital Innovation Award

Deadline extended to September 10, awards ceremony in the autumn

The National Digital Innovation Award, currently in its third edition, is an initiative promoted by Anitec-Assinform in collaboration with the Italian Ministry of Education addressing second-degree secondary schools, together with enterprise, agencies and cultural associations.

The objective is to involve students and teachers in pro-active awareness-raising and orientation to promote the digital transition at school, at home and in society, at large, based on the role and opportunities provided by digital tools.

Projects must address one of the following categories:

  • ICT and Disability: How digital tools promote inclusion
  • Digital Enablers: New technology for the development of innovation in the economy and society (IoT, big data, AI, Blockchain, 5G)
  • Promoting Web Security and Contrasting Bullying
  • Digital & Data Science/Data Economics

Schools may only present one project each – either as lead partner or partner – and must register by 12:00, Sept. 10, 2022. 

Participation regulations and all other information is available in the call.

The awards ceremony – if it can be held in presence, based on the pandemic situation – will be held at dedicated event in autumn 2022.

The initiative is part of the National Repubblica Digitale Coalition.


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