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Nao at the RomeCup

Nao at the RomeCup

Nao at the RomeCup

Naos are humanoid robots programmed to play football in the RoboCup World Robotics Championship.


Each robot is fully autonomous and capable of competing without the help of a guide or information from an external system.


The RomeCup (March 16-18) showcase area will host researchers from the Sapienza University “Antonio Ruberti” Department for Computer, Control and Management Engineering (DIAG), who will illustrate the hardware and software characteristics of Nao robots.


Nao robots can perform pre-determined actions as dancers or football players. On March 18, they will engage in a football penalty shoot-off in the Campidoglio.


The models on show at Rome Cup will also participate in Robocup 2016 in the Standard Platform League Category that will be held in Leipzig, Germany (June 30-July 3).


In this interview with Fiammetta Castagnini, Vincenzo Furiani tells us about the collaboration between DIAG and the Fondazione Mondo Digitale to host university orientation labs with Nao Robots.


The DIAG researchers will participate not only in RomeCup 2016 but also in MARRtino, a mobile robot with didactic and research purposes developed as part of a Masters programme in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics (MARR). The robot can be piloted via a mobile app and was developed as an open source project.


RomeCup is part of the Get Online Week 2016 and Grand Coalition for Digitale Jobs European Campaigns.



Oltre a Nao, i ricercatori del Diag portano alla RomeCup 2016 anche MARRtino. È un robot mobile per fini didattici e di ricerca, sviluppato nell’ambito del corso di laurea magistrale in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics (MARR). È possibile pilotarlo tramite una app per cellulare. Si tratta di un progetto open source.


La RomeCup partecipa alle campagne europee Get Online Week 2016 e Grand Coalition for Digitale Jobs.

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