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My School is…

My School is…



The schools participating in today’s event, promoted by FMD and the Italian Ministry of University, Education and Research to cooperatively create a guide to Innovation Gyms, were asked to send a short video presentation of their most innovative activities.
Videos have arrived from all around Italy, in different styles and forms, ranging from institutional presentations by headmasters to many-voice narrations filmed throughout the school. In many cases, the videos were quickly filmed with a smartphone, between classes, but with the spirit and intention of being with us!
Here are the first nodes of our network! And thank-you everyone!



Istituto d'Istruzione Celestino Rosatelli di Rieti
Itis Galileo Ferraris di Scampia (Napoli)

Liceo artistico e scientifico di Ceccano
Liceo Enrico Fermi di Padova

Itis E. Mattei di Isernia
Istituto comprensivo G. Matteotti di Aprilia

Liceo scientifico Ludovico Pepe di Ostuni (Brindisi)
Liceo scientifico Ludovico Pepe di Ostuni (Brindisi)

IIS Pacinotti-Archimede di Roma
IIS Alessandro Volta di Frosinone

Ipsia A. Castigliano di Asti
Itt Enrico Fermi di Ascoli Piceno

ITT Vittorio Emanuele III di Palermo
IIS Sarrocchi di Siena

IC Castel Frentano (Chieti)
Itis Pacinotti di Fondi

Liceo Lorenzo Respighi di Piacenza
IIS Leon Battista Alberti di Roma

Istituto Don Bosco di Pordenone
IC Via Messina, Roma

Liceo Democrito di Roma
IC Via Cortina di Roma

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