Schools continue to explore the new digital environments at the Phyrtual Innovation Gym.
Today’s students come from the Istituto tecnico economico Emanuele Loi in Nettuno (Province of Rome) with their Headmaster Antonella Mosca. They are last year students an need to start thinking about their professional future.
Accompanied by Professor Cristofani, the students will spend the entire morning in the Game Lab with Coach Domenico Zungri, an immersive designer, specialized in the creation of simulations and immersive experiences for educational, ludic and professional purposes. Domenico is also a coach at the Immersive Lab in the Officina – New Jobs Workshop.
The students will have the opportunity to learn about new digital entertainment professions and what skills they require. This, in fact, is a rapidly expanding market, especially for gaming apps on mobile devices.
“According to analyst Newzoo, nearly 33 of the 91 billion euro generated by the gaming industry in 2015 will come from mobile devices, while consoles will stop at 25 billion. And it’s just the beginning: the share of smartphones and tablets will reach 55 billion by 2019” [source: “Giochi con affari a nove zeri”, Panorama, November 18, 2015).