1 min.
In the splendid Isola Tiberina, on Wednesday night the Hub Roma organized a special event to shatter the common representation and stereotype that media often portray of refugees. The event did not address migrants or refugees, but individuals and their stories. Experiences were presented by Pilar from Peru, Lazrak from Algeria and Irma from Venezuela… Each one presented a small story from their lives and shared not only the difficulties, but also the successes they obtained since they have been in Italy.
Even Alfonso Molina, Scientific Director of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, presented his experience, defining himself as a "museum" refugee who fled the Pinochet coup in Chile in 1974. From Chile to Argentina and then right on the United Kingdom, a country with a strong social system, an optimal place for Chilean refugees, that allowed him to study, specialize and develop a new life. Professor Molina has been in Italy for ten years now and is enacting his vision to do something concrete to "touch the lives" of people with the Fondazione Mondo Digitale.